In The Name of ALLAH, the Compassionate, the Merciful
A Brief Introduction to ISLAM
The word " ISLAM " literally stems from the Arabic word for peace, indicating making peace with Allah, with oneself and with His creations through submission to Allah and commitment to His guidance. Islam is not a new religion but the final culmination and fulfilment of the same basic truth that Allah revealed through all His Prophets to every nation.
"There is none worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."
The Articles of Faith (Beliefs):1. One Allah , 2. Angels , 3. Books of ALLAH , 4. Prophets , 5. Day of Judgement , 6. Destiny , 7. Life after death.
Five Pillars of Islam (Practices):1. The Declaration of faith (Shahadah) , 2. Prayer (Salah) , 3. Charity: (Zakah) , 4. Fasting (Sawm) , 5. Pilgrimage (Hajj).
Islam is a complete way of life. Muslims lead their lives according the guidance found in:
The Qur’an: This is the word of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
The Sunnah: This is the practical example of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Basic beliefs of Muslims:
.Belief in One God
Muslims believe there is only one God. The Arabic word for God is Allah. Arab Christians refer to God as Allah as well. This belief is the fundamental basis of all other beliefs and practices in Islam, and is in the heart of every Muslim. The declaration of faith (the first pillar of Islam) is: “I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except God and Muhammad is His messenger"
There a several descriptions of Allah in the Qur'an:
“Say, Allah is One, Allah the Eternal, Absolute He begets not nor is He begotten And there is none comparable to Him.” (Surah Al-Ikhlas, Chapter 112)
From the descriptions in the Quran we know that:
Allah (God) has no children, no parents and no partners
Allah (God) has always existed and will always exist
Allah (God) was not created; He is the creator of all that exists
Allah (God) knows everything,
Allah (God) can do anything
Allah’s (God’s) justice is fair
Allah (God) is the most merciful
Only Allah (God) is worthy of worship
There is nothing comparable to Him
.Belief in Angels
Muslims believe that angels have been created by Allah from light. They have no free will and fulfil certain functions in the service of Allah. They also worship Allah. Some angels mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah;
Jibrail (Gabriel): He is the leader of the angels. His function was mainly to bring revelation to the Messengers.
Mikaeel (Michael): He is in charge of rain and supplying sustenance to all living beings.
Israfeel (Raphael): He is to blow the trumpet when the time for the end of the world arrives.
Azraeel (Azrael): The angel of death.
Al-Kiraam Al-Kaatibeen: Two honourable recorders who note all our actions.
.Belief in all the Scriptures
Muslims believe that scriptures were sent to messengers throughout time. The books we know about are:
Scrolls revealed to Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) pbuh
Zabur (Psalms) revealed to Prophet Dawud (David) pbuh
Torah revealed to Prophet Musa (Moses) pbuh
Injeel (Gospels) revealed to Prophet Isa (Jesus) pbuh
Qur’an revealed to Prophet Muhammad pbuh
.Belief in all the Prophets
Muslims believe that prophets and messengers were sent to nations throughout history. They all came with the message ‘There is no God but Allah.’ It is estimated that about 124,000 prophets were sent over time. Muslims believe in all the prophets, respecting all of them equally. Muslims are not permitted to speak ill of any prophet. 25 Prophets are mentioned in the Qur’an.
.Belief in the Day of Judgementail
.Belief in Predestination
.Belief in Life after Death
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