The Shia have exalted their Imams–including and especially Ali (رضّى الله عنه)–to a level of Shirk (associating partners with Allah). The Shia have granted their Imams a status of gods amongst men. Islam was sent to destroy Shirk in all its forms, and Shirk is considered by Allah to be the gravest of sins.
- Saying “Ya Ali Madad” is Shirk
It is Shirk to say such things as “Ya Ali Madad” (O Ali, help us). Indeed, we should only call out with “Ya Allah Madad.” Only Allah and Allah alone can hear and answer our prayers. Thus, we should only go to Him and Him alone for help. We see that the very basic foundation block of Shi’ism is rooted in Shirk.
- Ali (رضّى الله عنه) or Jesus (عليه السلام)?
Much like the Christians have exalted the status of Prophet Isa (عليه السلام), the Shia have exalted the status of Ali (رضّى الله عنه). They even draw pictures of Ali (رضّى الله عنه), and we see the similarities between Shi’ism and Christianity, two faiths that exaggerated the status of men. This article contains disturbing (and offensive) pictures, exposing the blasphemy of the Shia.
- Ali’s Message (رضّى الله عنه) in Nahjul Balagha
In the Shia’s very own Nahjul Balagha, Ali (رضّى الله عنه) says there will be a group of people whose love for him will lead them away from rightfulness. He further states that a person should “be with the great majority of Muslims.” Who could this be other than the Ahlus Sunnah? It is interesting to see how the Nahjul Balagha itself testifies against the Shia.
- Turbah: Sajdah to the Imams
By praying to stones made from the shrines of their Imams and saints, the Shia are practising a polythiestic and paganistic grave-worshipping; they are quite literally making Sajood (prostration) to the Imams or Saints. Indeed, praying to the Turbah of these Imams and saints is Bidah (evil innovation) and Shirk; it is not much different than idol worshipping.
- Grave Worship
It is polythiestic the manner in which the Shia go to their shrines and cry next to them, rub them, and pray to them. It is Shirk reminscent of the Jahiliyyah times when the pagan Arabs used to do this. Tawheedullah (the Unity and Oneness of Allah) is the central tenet of Islam, and the Shia are guilty of violating this core belief by engaging in Shirk, which is the absolute major sin in Islam. The main emphasis in Islam is to stay away from Shirk, and yet the Shia embrace practises and customs that foster Shirk.
- Who Invented Shirk?
The people of Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام) were the originators of Shirk in the form of idol-worshipping. We see that the Shia have fallen into all the same traps as these people did. The Shia have erected shrines for their Imams and saints. They put up pictures of them and they invoke their names in prayer. Some even do Tasbeeh to their names. They ask their dead Imams and saints for special favors and believe in Waseelah through their Imams and saints.
- Fatwa On Saying “Ya Ali Madad”
Official Fatwa from the Permanent Committee and Fiqh Council on those who call for help from other than Allah, using such innovations as “Ya Ali Madad”.
- Shrines: the Need to Raze Them and Level the Graves
It is a sad state of affairs that errant Muslims have raised graves, mounted shrines over them, and exalted the dead as was the practise of the pagans before the Call to Islam. Today, Muslims have built huge shrines over the graves of some of the Ahlel Bayt, Sahabah, the righteous people, and others. This has led to the inevitable result of mimicking pagans who worship the dead, either directly or indirectly. There is therefore a necessity to raze to the ground these pagan shrines and to level the graves, as was the Sunnah.
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